✳️ Surplus UI

Amelia Rana


UX Researcher

UX Designer

UI Designer

What is surplus,
food-commerce application in Indonesia that can sell excess food from restaurants, cake shops, daily grocery stores, cafes, etc.

📌 Discover and identify the right problem

I've experienced on the journey to identify the right problem to the app.
By seeing the purpose of surplus as a social enterprise, it encouraged me for doing a further research about this context and hopefully this insight can help them to keep growing.

📌 Discover and define the solution

I'm doing in-depth interviews and compiled all points and classified accordingly to their similarity. Wanna deep dive into the research process? ⬇️ ⬇️

📌 Generate solution and hand off the solution

Some quick sketches to into wireframe
Wireframe Mid-Fidelity
Wireframe Mid-Fidelity

The Design System

Created some design guideline or system for an effective workflow so I don't have to make another new component whenever I want to change a specific component.

High-Fidelity UI design 🖼️

By using the solutions from define session, we proceeded to create an order flow, where we arranged the navigation of this feature.
or you can try the prototype bellow ⬇️
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Posted Jul 6, 2024

Surplus Apps - Supermarket Feature Food-commerce application in Indonesia that can sell excess food from restaurants, groceries etc.






UX Researcher

UX Designer

UI Designer

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🏢 Erdeha
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