Gregory Morning

G. F. Jackson, M.Ed.


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Alternative Title: Strangers who unknowingly have a very important function in our lives.
With the “alternate title” in mind, I give you Gregory Morning!
NOT his real name, because I do NOT, in fact, know him, and probably never will!
But that’s neither here nor there.
Follow me now…
My daughter, Lady J, and I get up every morning at half-past the rooster’s crow in order to get her to school in a timely manner.
Mind you, we leave so early that she is never at risk of being officially late.
However, I’ve found that if we leave after a particular point in time, I’ll be stuck in traffic hell on my way back home.
So, before the sun rises, I gently rouse Lady J, and subsequently keep her on task so that I can avoid the snarl that I so dearly abhor.
Now, after Lady J has wiped the sleep from her eyes, eaten breakfast, taken a shower, brushed her teeth, gotten dressed, and packed up her grip, we’re off to the races!
Enter Gregory Morning; a lanky uniformed fellow who walks the short distance from his house to the school that both he and Lady J attends.
By the way, Lady J gave him his first name.
“He looks like a ‘Gregory’ to me,” she declared.
And so it is written into “law” that he shall always be known as Gregory!
I gave him the last name “Morning” because that’s the only time of day that we’ve ever see him.
Gregory, our dear friend that we do NOT know, functions as our unofficial timekeeper–of sorts.
If Gregory is at the top of the hill; I’m doing good; we’re on time.
No traffic worries.
If Gregory is approaching the traffic light, I am a bit behind; there’s some traffic, but it’s tolerable.
But…God forbid, if Gregory has reached the school’s front entrance, I’m SCREWED!
It’s traffic all the way to MORE traffic, and then some!
And I simply CANNOT deal with that!!!
And so it goes…
If Gregory has made it to school before we do, I drop Lady J off, and immediately go park at the local library until the madness dies down.
Hey, I guess it’s not so bad, it gives me time to read my e-mails, WordPress notifications and Instagram messages.
Problem solved!
Long live Gregory!
Do you have a “Gregory Morning” in your life? Meet me in comments and tell me all about it!
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Posted May 22, 2024

A light-hearted blog post that I wrote about a young man who functioned as a "human timepiece" during my morning drive.






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