QA Engineer and Business Development Manager

Dhanashree Barde

QA Engineer
QA Tester
UX Designer

- Performed root cause analysis and general troubleshooting.

- Collaborated successfully with clients to achieve objectives by utilizing strong communication, interpersonal and people skills.

- Conferred with developers and designers to investigate and solve failure issues.

- Interpreted test information to resolve design-related problems.

- Trained over 30 clients and over 40 employees in virtual classroom type sessions to promote useful system knowledge and operations expertise.

- Tested functional and compatibility of new programs and updates in comparison to existing applications.

- Documented testing procedures for developers and future testing use.

- Authored and maintained well-organized, efficient and successful manual test cases for entire team.

- Developed and maintained defect databases for known issues.

- Completed in-depth usability testing on Windows, Android and iOS mobile devices.

- Tracked, prioritized and organized defects with Trello, working with development team to facilitate timely corrections.

- Monitored resolution of bugs, tested fixes and helped over 4 developers tackle ongoing problems by providing QA perspective.

- Evaluated function, performance and design compliance of every product against design standards and customer needs.

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