DREAM AGENCY (Landing page design)

Waleed Sohail

Web Designer
UX Designer
UI Designer
Dream agency is a design agency concept which focuses solely on projects and is simple and clean for easy user experience.
<iframe tyle="border: 1px solid rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.1);" width="800" height="450" src="https://w
ww.figma.com/embed?embed_host=share&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.figma.com%2Fproto%2FVAnJJ60MMziZgFvPDLs1Wa%2FProfile-page-Mobile-UI-(Community)%3Fnode-id%3D152-2%26t%3DUlD7cmSkoIPnjjPP-1%26scaling%3Dmin-zoom%26content-scaling%3Dfixed%26page-id%3D1%253A80%26starting-point-node-id%3D152%253A2" allowfullscreen></iframe>
Dream is created from a unique prospective to differentiate from other design agencies.
With unique design and unique animation when you hover on projects type on the right of the page.
Fully responsive design.
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