WHY I'M CHOOSING MY BATTLES: My Perspective as a woman in Her L…

Angie Latuhan


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As a woman in my late twenties, I often get asked about my plans for having children. Some people assume that because I am in a long-term relationship, I must want to start a family soon. However, the truth is, I don't want to have kids just for the sake of having them.
In my opinion, bringing a child into this world is a big responsibility, and I think that we should only do it if we are absolutely ready for it. With so many challenges in our society today, it would be selfish and inconsiderate to bring a child into this world without being fully prepared to provide for their needs.
I have seen so many women struggle with balancing motherhood and their personal lives. I don't want to be one of them. I am choosing my battles and having children is not one of them. It's not because I don't like kids, because I do. They are lovely, but I don't think it's fair to them to bring them into a world that is already struggling.
I also don't want to have kids just because everyone else is doing it. Having children should not be a trend or a game. It's a serious decision that requires careful consideration.
As a woman, I feel that we should not be stereotyped as child-bearing creatures. We should have the freedom to choose what we want for our lives, without feeling any pressure or judgment from society.
So, to all the girls out there, if you want to have kids, that's great, but make sure that you are ready for it. Don't let anyone pressure you into having a child just because it's the norm. Remember, being a woman is not just about giving birth, it's about living a fulfilling life on your own terms.
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Posted Jun 11, 2023

This blog urges women to choose their own paths. Challenges norms, highlights fulfillment beyond motherhood and redefine happiness.






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Angie Latuhan

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