Porsche Engineering Virtual ADAS Training Center

Rafael Traista

Fullstack Engineer
Software Engineer
Unreal Engine
Porsche Engineering
About: Functions for highly automated driving must be intensively validated by means of simulations. In the AVEAS research project, Porsche Engineering is working on automated detection of critical traffic situations from sensor data using AI and storing the situations in a database. The route models and traffic situations generated in this way are also varied in order to generate more test cases for virtual validation.
Roles:  C++ Simulation Software Engineer, repository mainainter, code review, devops, support for junior developers.
Tech: C++, CMake, Python, Unreal Engine, CARLA, ROS, GitLab, CI/CD
 Integrate custom Matlab/Simulink vehicle physics model in UnrealEngine. 
Upgrade third party libraries from existing Unreal Plugin. 
Develop driving scenarios in Python, based on specific steps provided by scenario designers.
Help junior developers
Setup and maintain CI/CD with Gitlab
Maintain repository 
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