FashionSTUDIO – Gemini

Rafael Traista

Fullstack Engineer
Software Engineer
Unreal Engine
Gemini CAD Systems
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About: Gemini Creative Studio is a desktop application used to design clothes and other textile elements. 
Virtual clothing 3D simulation environment withUnrealEngine and QT.
Ecommerce Magento plugin with customisable interfaceand connection with vendor’s platform.
I was part of a team developing a 3D plugin for this application. The 3D plugin was UnrealEngine based, and was communicating with the base design application via SharedMemory and Sockets. 
Additionally I worked on a Magento Plugin designed for clothing elements configuration on Ecommerce websites.
Roles:  Software Developer (Initially Intern), repository mainainter, code review, devops, support for junior developers.
Tech: C++, CMake, Python, Unreal Engine, Javascript, VUE, NodeJS, QT
Implement window docking system between UnrealEngine package and QT application. 
Handle 3D realtime texture manipulation
Develop dynamic materials & appearance
Write GLTF exporter with custom metadata for Magento Plugin
Participate in Magento Plugin development with VUE and ThreeJS, focused on GLTF import and manipulation. 
CI/CD with Gitlab & Jenkins


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