FactionsPlugin was an old plugin I wrote many years ago for a small 1.8.9 factions server. It contains a custom shop system, a custom settings system where it is easy for the developer to add new settings the player can change, a custom dynamic scoreboard with many different views, and a custom factions chunk system where players can assign the use of a chunk, e.g., a cactus chunk, a raid chunk, or a spawner chunk, which not only optimizes the way the server can work but allows for great custom features like the cactus autosell and the autokill of squids in any spawner chunk. It also contained a custom RNG system where the developer can easily add custom RNG prizes with varying rarities and where custom code can be run when won. It also contained a custom mask system where the developer can make custom masks and then the user gets special abilities when masks are worn, e.g., holding or wearing a horse mask will give you the speed effect. It had a basic kit system where users could claim a kit of their choice once per map. Additionally, a custom combat log system was made to avoid players logging out in order to not lose a PVP fight. There was also a chat gui similar to the CaveletCore chat gui but less dynamic, as my coding ability when I made this plugin was not as good as when I created the CaveletCore plugin.