Mobile Banking app (Re-design)

Adrian Oduma

UX Designer
Web Developer
UI Designer
Adobe XD

This project is a re-design of the previous UI created for the app when it was being launched.

The design was hurriedly developed and did not conform to the Principles of a Good UI Design such as;-

  1. Hierarchy - Prioritizing information. Created through variations in color, font-size & even contrast.
  2. White space - Isolating element with white space makes content easily readable, and a clean UI
  3. Visual Appeal - Using appropriate color palettes, images, gradients, and typography to make the UI appeal to the eye

The Old UI vs. The New UI

Old UI

  • As seen in the photos below, the old UI was lacking a bit of touch. It was plain, and everything looked the same.
  • Feedback from clients suggests that they weren't interested in using the app anymore, let alone using it for transactions/tracking their expenses.
  • Therefore, we took action to re-design the app's interface which will later be translated into development (coding the app itself).

  • A few issues outlined include;-

No hierarchy among elements - made it hard to distinguish between normal text & a button.

Boring Color Palette - The colors used either weren't used/blended well enough, or they did not suit the interface at all.

Poor Use of Whitespace - 'Buttons' had uniform spacing, dimensions, and alignment, but too little white space left. No element isolation, no easy readability.

New UI

The new design addressed the issues mentioned above by following a few Principles of design written in the acronym; CRAP

  • C > Contrast - Establishes a hierarchy among your elements. (i.e., use of different font-sizes to outline the heading and normal text).

  • R > Repetition - Creates consistency. (using the same layout repetitively creates a recognizable pattern. User can memorize element mappings easy)

  • A > Alignment - Organizes elements into groups. (i.e., parent & child elements are always aligned together to the left)

  • P > Proximity - Makes elements seem related, thus info close-by could be related. (i.e., elements near a big heading are most likely related)

Main page that shows all that you can do with the app.

From making transactions (i.e., Deposit/Withdraw money), to tracking all your expenses.

The navigation bar at the bottom of the screen is also an addition from the previous UI, thus very convenient for end-users wanting to navigate through the app freely.

The picture icon at the top right will help access your profile information.

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