Flixbase: Discover Entertainment

Sunil Kumar

Fullstack Engineer
Tailwind CSS
Flixbase is a web app, a comprehensive and user-friendly platform for movie and TV show fans.
It offers an extensive library of titles, providing detailed information on the plot, cast, release date, ratings, and related media, as well as related videos and images to give users a more immersive experience.
The app allows users to browse by genre or by top-rated, upcoming, and recommended titles, making it easy to discover new and exciting content.
Additionally, users have the ability to like and add titles to their wishlist, allowing them to keep track of their favorite shows and movies, and ensuring they never miss a new release. Whether you're a die-hard fan or just looking for your next binge-worthy show, this app has everything you need to satisfy your entertainment cravings and keep track of your movie and TV show wish-list.

Tech Stack Used

NextJS ( ReactJS )
Tailwind CSS
React Query

Features of the app

Discover Movies and TV Shows by genre and different sections like top-rated movies, upcoming movies, currently playing movies etc.
Search Option: User can use the search bar to look for any movie or tv show
The Landing Page Carousal: The carousal features five top-rated movies and five top-rated tv shows, and on each request, different items are pulled from the TMDB API.
The rest of the landing page features movies and tv shows by different sections .
The app has Pagination for each of the sections and genres built in, shows 20 items in each page.
The Footer has all the links available on the app.
The app also has Authentication and offers additional features upon authentication.
Each movie and tv show correspond to an ID using which the item is fetched from the API, and the route is as such movies/id and series/id for eg series/41727
The single movie / tv show page have the same layout.
Not to mention, the whole app is Fully Responsive, built with mobile first approach.
The user Upon Authentication can add a movie or a tv show to the liked-list or the watchlist to binge watch later, and would not need to scramble google finding a good movie or a tv show to watch.
The user can also navigate to the /user page, located on the navbar's user avatar/title of the avatar, where the user can view all the saved content and delete them as needed.
The user has the option to login to the app using Google or Github.
The user can logout of the app in the /user page.


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