Duolingo Website Blog- Case Study

Emily Ferguson

Web Designer
Blog Writer
Disclaimer: I did not work for Duolingo. This is for portfolio building only, and to showcase my skills.
For this case study, I decided to write a short blog piece for Duolingo, answering a question I wrote myself. I looked through some of the other blog pieces and quickly noticed the casual, engaging tone they use when answering questions- which is a writing style that I utilised in my blog piece.

Blog Writing

During this piece, I decided to take a more casual, friendly approach- ensuring to educate and relate with readers. Writing in an engaging tone is something that comes naturally to me, as I feel I can connect with the reader.
After analysing Duolingo’s other blogs, I realised their tone across the full website and adopted it; I wanted to make the post seem like a friendly chat, which I think I accomplished well.
Adding extreme, long sentences to a post like this will not inform, but deter the reader from taking in the info- they want to feel understood, not try even harder to understand.
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