In the latter half of the same year, more details about Agent emerged in a
since-deleted Q&A on Rockstar Games’ official blog. The blog post commented on the 2010 ambitions of Rockstar, claiming that “we are working hard on a line-up of PlayStation 3 releases for 2010 that we know you will be very excited to play – including Red Dead Redemption, Max Payne 3, and the PlayStation 3 exclusive Agent, which is a brand-new title from Rockstar North, the creators of the Grand Theft Auto series”. This seemingly confirmed Agent would be released in about a year from then. However, the lack of any gameplay footage, trailers, and media promotions made everyone doubt that’d be the case. But again, Agent had been in development for quite some time now, perhaps since 2006, so 2010 didn’t seem like an impossibility, until, well, the delays started happening.