AR Communication Platform

Juš Lozej

Fullstack Engineer
UX Designer
DevOps Engineer
An AR communications platform used to connect specialized individuals (like doctors or engineers) to where they are most needed. On mission critical sites users create calls with a HoloLens app and Specialists can connect to it via the browser. Apart from just seeing what the user sees, the specialist can also draw on the view, share his own screen, send images etc.
My tasks include:
The creation and maintenance of the Customer management platform. Backend written in Node.js with Fastify and Frontend in ReactJs
The creation of a custom CI/CD pipeline that would build Windows store ready Unity3D Hololens apps
Microservice infrastructure and DevOps
Maintenance of custom signaling infrastructure that establishes and maintains the WebRTC connection between the HoloLens and the web app
Maintenance of the Front-end Web-app that connects to the Unity3D HoloLens app
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