Hailey Kinter: How Yoga Changed Her Life

Olivia Murphy


Content Writer

Blog Writer


Microsoft Word


Have you ever woken up one day to realize that your life has changed forever and you have unexpectedly become disabled? That is precisely what happened to 27-year-old Hailley Kinter. When she was 13 years old, she started to develop heart arrhythmias. Did she know those heart arrhythmias would be just the start of a roller coaster of medical intervention, doctors’ appointments diagnoses that would eventually lead to medical PTSD and trauma? Ever since the beginning of her medical journey, she has become an ambulatory wheelchair user because it became hard to walk or stand without becoming lightheaded. I was lucky enough to have sat down with her to talk about her journey as a disabled person and how yoga changed your life for the better.
What are your diagnoses?

Hailey: My diagnoses include Autonomic nervous system dysfunction & MCAS, and a genetic kidney disorder. MCAS or mast cell activation syndrome causes constant allergic reactions which change over time. Posterior orthostatic tachycardia syndrome is most easily described as being allergic to gravity. It causes drastic changes in your heart rate.
Hailey found yoga about eight years ago, forever changing her life. Hayley genuinely believes that the practice of Buddhism and yoga, which often go together, is part of why her life is livable.
What specifically drew you to yoga?

Hailey: the at-home feeling is what drew me to yoga; when you are disabled, your body can feel like an unwelcoming place yoga has healed my mind and soul and continues to help relieve the distress caused by medical PTSD.
What do you like most about teaching yoga?

My favorite part about teaching is giving others the space to come home to themselves and their bodies because, for many adaptive students, our bodies have not felt like home for a long time.
After realizing how much she loved yoga, she decided to become an instructor after hours of training; Hailey now teaches virtual yoga to people of all abilities through an app called Yoga For All Humans. She also teaches a group called Boundless Babes Society, a women’s empowerment group for women with disabilities. She has been teaching since March 2020.
If you want to hear more about Hailey’s yoga journey, check out the most recent episode of my podcast, Living My Best Disabled Life, Disability & Yoga: A Conversation with Hailey Kinter. After hearing her perspective on how yoga has impacted her life, I have a newfound respect and understanding of yoga. I always thought that yoga had to involve strenuous intense poses that are impossible for a disabled person to achieve, especially if you have significant mobility issues like myself. But I was completely wrong. Our conversation may have even inspired me to try out one of her classes. If interested, check out the link to her Instagram bio for more information.
Until next time
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Posted Jul 11, 2023

Have you ever woken up one day to realize that your life has changed forever and you have unexpectedly become disabled? That is precisely what happened to 27-y…






Content Writer

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Microsoft Word


Olivia Murphy

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