
Muiz Haruna

Frontend Engineer
Web Developer
Tailwind CSS

The Arkive

Welcome to the Arkive! This project aims to foster open access and collaboration among Nigerian students by providing a platform to share research projects.


Resource Sharing: Upload and share research projects, and articles relevant to Nigerian students.
User-friendly Interface: Built with React and Tailwind CSS for a clean, intuitive user experience.
Robust Authentication and Access Control: Utilizes Supabase for fortified user authentication, database management, and secure data storage.

Technologies Used

React: Frontend framework for building user interfaces.
TypeScript (TS): Adds static typing to JavaScript for improved code quality and developer experience.
Tailwind CSS: Utility-first CSS framework for designing responsive and customizable UI components.
Supabase: Open-source Firebase alternative for building scalable and secure backend services, including user authentication, database and data storage.
Vite: Build tool that provides faster, leaner development experience for modern web projects.
Shadcn: Lightweight library for adding shadows to components for enhanced visual appeal.
Phosphor Icons and Lucide Icons: Icon libraries for adding visually appealing icons to the UI.
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