Community-Led Growth Plan: Leveraged Agency

Jordan Mix

Business Strategist
Growth Marketer
Salesdash CRM

Developing a community led growth strategy to turn SaaS product business into a leveraged agency.

The leveraged agency system creates 3 offerings: services, productized service, and product. All work together in harmony to scale sustainably.
The 4 step process:
Foundations of Community
Market of One
Leveraged Agency
Leveraged Agency

Foundations of Community

What it means?
Why your doing it?
Why people care?
How it feels?
What it looks like?
How it's communicated?
Who it is for?
What they care about?
What they build?
How they share?
How they reinvest?

Market of One

Become unique and differentiated -
Expand Philosophy
Develop IP & unique point of view
Display the process - Content & Market Touch points
Construct offerings - Services, Productized Service & Product


Create a perpetual motion machine.
Content - Published IP
Services - How to do the process
Community - a collection of evangelist and affiliates
Users - Trusted users referred by users


Overlapping Funnels - two offerings adjacent with some overlap. Allows for increased revenue and lifetime value. Allows for broad, niche offering.
Customers who buy once, buy twice.

Dual Offerings

Offering a training adjacent to product promotes non-intrusive cross-selling.
In the case of salesdash CRM -
Training: SalesDash Sales School - learn the selling process & best practices for closing deals.
Product: SalesDash CRM - tools to perform best practices
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