Social Media and Copywriting

Gwenda Hasnaa Sarri

Content Writer
Canva Designer
Currently, I get involve in social media marketing, which I work on content design and copywriting. I held two social media in different niches, there are coffeeshop and laundry. I create the design for both social media using canva and be helped with chatgpt to give ideas regarding the contents.

1. Sajuan Cafe

Sajuan cafe's instagram
Sajuan cafe's instagram
Sajuan Cafe is located in Pasuruan, East Java Indonesia. In this case, I held their social media to promote and attract customers to come and buy their coffee. By this, I did photography and videography for their contents and simple copy.

2. Omabinatu Laundry

Omabinatu Laundry is my new client. In this case, I held their social media to promote and attract customers to come and do laundry in Omabinatu Laundry. Different to Sajuan Cafe's Instagram, I didn't do photography or videography, but I did content design by using canva. I brainstormed about the hook in its design and copy in its caption.
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