CanCS (Canada Courier Systems)

Azhar M

Fullstack Engineer
Software Architect
Web Developer

CanCS is leading name in dedicated courier, freight & logistics services in the GTA.

Overview ✨

The project involves the development of a comprehensive driver management and vehicle inspection system designed to streamline the daily operations of a transportation fleet. The system allows drivers to pick up their assigned vans in the morning, conduct a detailed inspection accompanied by images, and commence their shifts. At the end of the day, drivers are required to perform a final inspection and submit their findings before concluding their shift.

My Responsibilities:

  • System Design and Development: Architected and developed the core system functionalities, including driver login, vehicle inspection workflows, incident and shift management.
  • Image Integration: Implemented a feature allowing drivers to capture and upload images of the vans during inspections, ensuring thorough documentation of vehicle conditions.
  • Admin Dashboard: Created an intuitive admin dashboard for real-time monitoring of driver activities, inspection reports, and overall fleet status.
  • User Experience: Focused on creating a user-friendly interface for both drivers and administrators, facilitating easy navigation and operation.
  • Testing and Deployment: Conducted comprehensive testing to ensure system reliability and oversaw the deployment process to integrate the system into the live environment.

Driver View 💯

Driver View

Admin View 💯

Admin View

Azhar can manage any project and make it look easy, and it's ALWAYS done right the first time! Amazing, HIGHLY RECOMMENDED


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