Gaming Article | Fortnite

Moiz Khan


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Fortnite: The Ultimate Building Guide

Your aim is perfect and you can give your enemies the taste of a high-damage headshot every time, but you still fall short of that glorious Victory Royale. 
Well, worry no more, as there is much more to Fortnite than just the classic shoot-to-kill. You can use modern building and trapping techniques to gain the upper hand over your enemies and clinch the top spot in almost every game.
To fully master the art of building, you will have to learn about every technique in detail from various sources on the web. Fortunately, we took care of this hassle and have compiled everything that you will need, right here.
This guide will help you understand everything about building in Fortnite from scratch. By the end, you’ll know about double-layer and triple-layer staircases as well as about box fighting and the 90s/180s building method. Additionally, we will also guide you on how to trap enemies and edit precisely.
So without further ado, let’s dive in:

Why is Building Important?

Building has remained a crucial part of the game at all times. It gives you an added advantage in many different scenarios, be it defending yourself from incoming fire, trapping others during battle, healing after a 1 hp clutch, or making yourself a Fortress. Building has always been and will be the core of Fortnite.

Mastering The Art Of Building

To master the art of building one would need to learn about all the different rushing techniques. This guide is designed in a way to help you gradually progress through different difficulty levels, starting from the easiest (staircases) and ending at the most difficult (Trapping/Editing).
You will seamlessly transition through all levels over time, but that’s only possible when you start somewhere, and that somewhere is right below.


Primarily, staircases were the only way to directly take on enemies, however, as times changed, staircases went out of fashion and people rarely use them to fight. Regardless of their primitive nature, staircases are still used indirectly in fights, for setting up a launch pad and quick rushes for height advantage.
There are 2 ways to build staircases; double layer and triple layer. Double layered staircases are preferred when you are low on mats, but when you have an ample amount of mats in your inventory and want some extra protection, then triple layer is the way to go.
To build double-layer staircases, all you have to do is to simultaneously or with very short gaps, place both the stair and wall preset ahead of your character, as you sprint while looking down.
The process of building triple-layered staircases is also similar to the one mentioned above. The only change is that alongside the wall and stair preset you also have to use the floor preset.

The 90s Technique

The 90s is arguably the most effective and efficient way to engage with your foes in a 1v1. It's the sibling of the 180s, which we will talk about later in this guide. Now, let's get to business and talk about how to build a 90.
It's not as hard as it seems to build a perfect 90. You only have to ensure that your rotation is smooth and that the procedure becomes a part of your muscle memory quickly.
First of all, you have to make your character sprint in the desired direction. Then, you have to place 2 walls, one on your front and the other one adjacent to it on the left side. After that, place a stair between the 2 walls, and if you want you may also place a floor below the stair.
Next, jump and rotate your character about 90 degrees to either left or right as per your preference. As you are jumping quickly, repeat the steps mentioned above level to level to get the perfect result.

The 180s Technique:

The 180s may use more mats and time to build than the 90s, but, they also offer more protection than any other build in Fortnite.
Constructing the 180s is almost identical to the 90s with just a few tweaks here and there.
Instead of having 2 walls presets, we use 3 wall presets, one on the left, one on the right, and the other one in the middle. 
The other difference, as the name suggests; after the completion of one level, we jump and rotate about 180 degrees rather than 90 degrees. Apart from that, the basic technique is the same.

Box Fighting

If you want to go pro in Fortnite then this skill is a must-have for a player like you. Box fighting is the backbone of players during Skrims and other competitive events, and it's not something that can be taught with directions.
In theory, it is just a technique where you box your opponents and yourself, and then with a lightning-quick edit, you open fire to absolutely demolish the soul of your enemy.
It's difficult to get your hands set on this technique. Having said that, you can still master it by constantly practicing it in Creative Box Fights.

Trapping And Editing

Similar to Box Fights, the art of editing and trapping your enemies also requires repetitive practice. 
Pacy Edits are only possible when your edit hold time is less than the default. There is no fixed value for this, you should choose a time that is neither too fast nor too slow. Eventually, you will get a hold of it after some trial and error.
Tips on Box Fights include your practice of seamless rotation, perfectly timed jumps, and sensible building. The last concept might be a bit difficult to grasp, but let us explain; sensible building refers to the preservation of mats by only using builds when necessary and knowing which structure is best suited for each scenario.
 You will understand this yourself once you gain enough experience.

Get Fortnite Today

You can download Fortnite on every platform by following the links below:


That was all you needed to know about building in Fortnite. We hope you found this guide helpful. Do share any feedback or queries in the comments section below so that we can respond to you accordingly. 
Now it's time for you to try all the techniques mentioned above and exterminate your enemies within a split second. We wish you all the very best in your Fortnite journey. Keep on clinching those Victory Royales!!!
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Wrote an article about one of my favorite games, Fortnite. In this article, I go in depth exploring the different styles of building.






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