Chakra 1 Geo Chakra

Eric Zeigler


Creative Writer

Microsoft Office 365

At its most basic the Geo Chakra connects the user to the ground beneath them. The connection can be weak at first, with the user only able to control bits of clay. The connection does grow over time, a fully powered Geo Chakra can connect a user to almost any solid object. Regions with high clay content in their soil tend to have more Geo Chakra activity.

Range and Ability:

The range of Geo Chakra users is considerably less than most other chakra users. Their ability to manipulate their element is almost within sightlines. Younger users have to make contact with the thing they are trying to move. Anything above a tier two user can manage to move solids within eyesight.
A tier four user has influenced objects outside the room they are in. They managed to push and pull it, but nothing much more. Interviews after the archived said moving the object wasn't an issue. Doing anything more was the limitation. Upon testing that limitation it was found that the subject properly incentivized could transmute an object using their abilities. How far their influence goes is largely based on the Radar Sense they perform. This gives weight to the theory that a Geo Chakra user has to know what they are influencing before they can manipulate it.
Though the range is small the amount of influence a single Goe Chakra has over an object is powerful. We have tested their powers to manipulate ice against a Water Chakra user. When the chakras were pushing with equal strength the Geo Chakra's influence out powered the Water Chakra. When another test put a tier four Third Eye Chakra against a Tier Two Geo, the Geo Chakra still managed to push an object. The only user that managed to out power the Geo Chakra influence was the Lunar Chakra, and Solar Chakra.

Radar Senses:

When a user first activates the Geo Chakra, they feel through the dirt. This expands their senses to run through the ground around them and giving them an idea of anything around them.
This Radar Sense only goes out a few feet at first. The images are also not clear. You will know something is around you, but not the shape, weight, or any detailed information. The Radar Sense gets clearer and longer-ranged as a user master the power. Geo Chakras users can search large buildings in seconds. The images they receive from the Radar Sense give the shape and weight of everything they touch. Even a mastered Radar Sense will still have limits. The pulses have to come from the user’s person. They can also not travel through anything the user can’t manipulate.
The last limitation gives the radar sense a different use. A few experienced users will send out a pulse to see the environment they work in. The range of a Geo Chakra user can be found in how far the pulses go. While manipulating the element around them is considerably easier and more reliable, even the ground at the edges of their radar can be manipulated by the Geo Chakra.

Effect on the Body:

Chakras can affect the body in many ways. The Geo Chakra connects the user to the ground around them. The training of this chakra has to be as tough as the ground they move. Users are strong and firm. Anything less and the element won’t bend to the user’s will.
As the user trains their body will take on more traits associated with the chakra. Their skin will harden. Pain from blunt strikes will become nonexistent. A user’s bones can also harden and become denser. As the user gets older these changes may become more of a detriment. An older Geo Chakra user’s bones can become firm and unable to bend. Surgery on a user can also be impossible.

Geo Surgeons

Every chakra holds a large number of stereotypes. The Geo Chakra users are seen as blunt instruments incapable of strategy. Some even go as far as to call most Geo Chakra users dumb. There is little evidence to suggest a Geo Chakra user is any dumber than the other chakras. The smartest within the chakra are those that see to its healing.
With the hardening ability of a Geo Chakra having surgery is next to impossible. A Geo Surgeon specializes in getting through layers of hardened skin. They are creative and masters of their chakra. They are even seen by several other chakras for their medical needs.

Battling a Geo Chakra User:

If the senses weren’t bad enough, Geo Chakra users are powerful, the average being near peak human levels. Getting in a physical confrontation is never a good idea. This means dealing with a Geo Chakra user can only be done at range.
Handguns, assault rifles, and almost anything that fires a bullet are also useless. Geo Chakra user’s skin will cause the bullets to deform if they penetrate the bullet will not have enough energy to go in more than a few inches. While this does limit options for taking down a user without killing them this does also open up some others. An anti-personal explosive tends to work most of the time. RPGs and other smaller missiles will also render a subject unconscious. If kill orders are issued for said Geo Chakra user.
A common tactic to bypass the skin by shooting him in the eye. Multiple snipers are used, with a strike team battling against the user on the ground. These are dangerous missions, if the first attempt fails a large missile strike is called.
Younger Geo Chakra users are much easier to take down than older ones. Their strength isn’t there, and their skin is less hard. Small arms fire can still bounce off them, but heavier rounds tend to do more damage. It is also possible to battle these chakra users’ hand to hand as long as you have them outnumbered.
A master Geo Elemental can learn to do about anything. From shattering mountains to creating bridges. By far their most fun ability is to jump into the ground and travel through it to another area. The user normally only does this in short bursts being unable to see where they are going most of the time.

Tier 01:

Manipulation of basic stones. Can force rocks into the air and push them into a by striking them.
Extended senses

Tier 02:

Push and pull stones without the need for contact.
Coat themselves with stone armor.
Manipulation of metals and gems.
Create trimmers through stone.
Sonar through the ground.
Peak Strength

Tier 03:

Create localized earthquakes.
Increase Bone Density
Command over liquids like mud.
Ability to apply pressure against stones.
Sand manipulation
Solid manipulation

Tier 04:

Geo transmutation (Ability to turn one stone into another like from coal to diamond or to purify iron.)
Semi-solid manipulation

God Tier:

Indefinite range
Stone durability increase
Ability to manipulate tectonic plates.


Users of Geo Chakra are connected and able to influence solid objects within an area of effect.

Side/Secondary Effects

The user's body will also change. It will become denser as their body adjusts to the Geo Chakra's influence.


First manifests when the user during their childhood. Can also hold off until they reach near adulthood.


The Geo Chakra is found near the base of the spine. It glows an amber color when active.


The Geo Chakra was one of nine chakras that were already known about before The Agency form. Scrolls from thousands of years ago have linked this chakra with the four elemental chakras. They stood at the dawn of time and battled armies of both demons and angels. Our predecessors called the Earth Elementals, but that does not accurately describe their abilities. Earth Elementals have a strong connection to the ground they walk, but that connection is not severed when an Earth Elemental goes to Nibmu or other non-earth places. Our scientists renamed the chakra to Geo Chakra.
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Posted Dec 15, 2023

Geo Chakra connects a user to any solid object in their area.






Creative Writer

Microsoft Office 365

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