Heart Disease Prediction Machine Learning Model

Chhavi Verma


Data Visualizer

ML Engineer

Data Analyst



Project Overview:

The Disease Prediction project aims to predict the likelihood of heart disease in patients using machine learning models. This project involves developing a web application that allows users to input patient data and receive predictions on heart disease risk.

Prediction done by

KNN Classifier
Decision Tree
Random Forest


Source: UCI Heart Disease Dataset on Kaggle
Entries: 303
Features: 14 health indicators


Machine Learning: Expertise in model development and evaluation.
Web Development: Creating user-friendly interfaces for model deployment.


Python: For data analysis and machine learning using libraries like Pandas, Scikit-Learn, and Seaborn.
Jupyter Notebook: For exploratory data analysis and prototyping models.
Flask/Django: For developing the web application.
HTML/CSS/JavaScript: For front-end development.
AWS/Azure: For cloud deployment.
GitHub: For version control and project sharing.

Exploratory Data Analysis:

Data Exploration: Analyzed the dataset to understand the distribution of features and target classes.
Visualization: Used Seaborn to visualize correlations and distributions.

Feature Selection and Preprocessing:

Feature Engineering: Identified and selected the most relevant features.
Data Processing: Scaled numerical features and converted categorical variables into dummy variables.

Machine Learning Models:

K Neighbors Classifier (K=12): Achieved a mean accuracy of approximately 85%.
Random Forest Classifier: Achieved a mean accuracy of approximately 82%.
Decision Tree Classifier: Achieved a mean accuracy of approximately 73%.


K Neighbors Classifier: Best performance with mean accuracy ≈ 85%.
Random Forest Classifier: Mean accuracy ≈ 82%.
Decision Tree Classifier: Mean accuracy ≈ 73%.

Next Steps:

Model Optimization: Further fine-tuning and hyperparameter optimization to improve model performance.
Extended Analysis: Exploring additional classifiers and advanced techniques for better accuracy.

Lessons Learned:

Feature Engineering: Crucial for enhancing model performance.
Model Comparison: Importance of evaluating multiple classifiers and tuning their hyperparameters.
Check out the full project on GitHub
#MachineLearning #DataScience #HeartDiseasePrediction #AI #GitHub
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Posted May 29, 2024

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Data Visualizer

ML Engineer

Data Analyst



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