The structure continues to envelope out as we see the crumbling debris of an old police station.
Old is an understatement. This place is rundown. Unoccupied and graffitied to the max.
As we see the police station in full someone stops and stares at the building.
“From even the greatest of horrors, irony is seldom absent.”
Ain’t that the damn truth.
We now see TRON. A young mid-30’s black male walking with a coffee in his hand.
Tron looks ahead of him on the sidewalk, straight past the police station, and begins to walk towards us.
You see this building once was a sign of hate for our people.
You know...not, not just hate, but fear. Fear drove us from this place.
Fear kept us in line with the people in this place.
However, there’s a limited time for any reign of power to find it’s vices. Now vices are a trap. A trap that you already know about yourself. A trap that you made yourself, but you continue to stumble through. And boy did this power have a cobweb of vices.
So we the people, fought this power.
And if you could believe it we almost won. Power being imperfect, as it may, can still use those imperfections in malicious ways.
But we the people will ALWAYS come back. Come back stronger and come back louder. Not just louder, but with action.
You see actions speak louder than words. And our actions mimicked our words and our demand for equality. Time will tell, we did time’s duties justice. And here we are today, living life anew as our demands were finally, again I say, finally heard. Not a single police officer is surveying our streets anymore in this country.
At that moment Tron throws his coffee at that police station steps.
The coffee cracks open and splatters everywhere.
No official officers that is, except of course for the 4th party.
Are you paying attention young one?
WE SEE a young boy holding Tron’s hand in 1 hand and a little hot chocolate in the other.
The boy is staring up at his father in wonder but at the same time looking back at the coffee that Tron threw.
Yeah, I understand.
Then what did you learn just now?
The boy looks up at his father as they stop walking.
We see the steps of the police station where Tron threw his coffee.
Suddenly the boy’s hot chocolate is tossed in the same spot as his fathers.
Tron turns his head from the steps down to his son.
Boy, you still didn't answer my question.
Actions speak louder than words.
Tron un-hesitated by the remark continues his gaze to the boy.
The boy still looking up makes a big exaggerated smile.
Jeremiah you are gonna be smarter than your pop someday.
Tron begins walking again, still holding Jeremiah's hand.
What if I’m smarter than you today?
Well, I did someday you’d be. What day of the week is it?
Tuesday?! Well that don’t sound like someday. Maybe tomorrow, is tomorrow Someday?
Nooooo...but what about Sunday?!
Hmmmm, yeah, Sunday is close. I’ll give you that, Sunday is close. But it still aint Someday.
Someday is not a day of the week dad.
It ain't is it. Well, we asked for equality someday, didn’t we?
We asked for our police stations to be shut down someday, didn't we?
Didn’t we?
Yeah, dad, you did.
Right, so let me ask you this. What day of the week you think it was when we got those requests passed?
No actually it was a Wensday.
Tron laughs as he pokes fun at his son.
Jeremiah laughs along with his father as they are near the end of the block
As they near, 2 young black and yellow dressed officials are shown walking onto their side of the sidewalk.
One shouts over to Jeremiah & Tron.
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Posted Mar 6, 2023
This is a personal script I am working on about a post-revolutionized system that holds a tighter control over the people than in the past.