2D Animation for a school's platform

Moses Silva

2D Animator
Motion Designer
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Premiere Pro
This video was an ad for Univates, a college in south Brazil.
The project was made for a presentation for the university's new students to know more about the school's latest platform.
The illustration style privileged the animation, which allowed me to explore a bunch of tiny details that combine, making a really cool animation.
In this video, I explore a few of my favorite techniques, such as icons and character animations.
The illustration went for a cool and fresh look that relates to the client's target audience, which is the new students.
And the whole video was brought together by a consistent background and on a seamless loop, like the client asked for.
Direction and Script: Vitoria Silveira
Illustration: Matheus Brito
Animation: Moises Izaías
Music: Shake It - Aakash Gandhi
Agency: Bistrô
Client: Univates
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