On 2018 I Lead a big project for Volkswagen of Mexico.
They need to update the automation technology to implement an update of their logistic software fot their automated logistic shop.
This update includes:
New IT network
Update Siemens PLCs to S7300
Change all the peripheral components like IN-OUT Devices, Switches, etc.
Change from Profibus network to Profinet
New programm to connect the PLCs to the new logistic software
The project was really challenging because the Logistic Shop was working during the project time, so we need to works on night shifts and weekends. Every Sunday we needed to validate that the updated part works because on monday the Shop was working again.
We work for three years on this project until is completed.
We needed at least 15 employees to do the job.
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Posted Jan 24, 2024
Project Management for an update of the Automation tech in VW of Mexico Automated Logistic Shop