The client is a small textile factory in Puebla that works with mechanical machines and don't have any automation technology.
He needs a software to control and track the daily production. I create all the plan fot the development and design the software in Figma. Next i develop the software in PHP for Backend and Javascript + Bootstrap for the Frontend.
The project includes tablets for every production station so the workers can capture the production on it
The Production Manager see the indicators on her smartphone and the daily reports are printed from a laptop to the printer.
The first challenge was create a software for the tablets that is simple to use and every station is sequenced so the information created on the first station should appear on the second and so...
The second one was to create the right KPIs for them, the client didn't know what should be tracking. searching a little bit on internet I found that the right KPIs for them should be: Availability, Production bottle necks, linestop times and finally maintenance times.
the third one was to teach each worker how they should capture the information on each station.
At the end, the client is happy and their production increased in 20%
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Posted Jan 24, 2024
Web app for textile factory that don't have any automation technology and wants a software to track their production