Beat the Odds

Philip Stubbs


Fullstack Engineer


Tailwind CSS


Beat the Odds

Beat the Odds is a web app that was created specifically to help the average basketball fan quickly and effectively visualize and organize complex market data for their favorite nba players and teams. With this app, I hope to make sports betting easy, fun, and enjoyable once again. If you have any ideas or suggestions on how to make that happen, let's chat.

About the Project

A web app that takes complex, technical market data (in json format) for nba players and transforms that data in a way so that the average basketball fan can visualize and understand.

Tech Stack


Visualize player market data represented as a table. Each row of the table represents a market. For each market, included is the low and high lines for that market from the alternates dataset. For example, for Westbrook’s points, there are columns for his low (18.5) and high (20.5).
Filter data by position, stat type, and or market status (suspended or not).
A search bar that filters on player name or team name.
An indication of whether a market is suspended or not.
Manually suspend or release.

About the API

The data for this project is available for use through an API built using Next.js. Using Next.js routes, this API extracts player market data from the json datasets and then transforms the data into a usable source so that it can be loaded into a table that gets rendered using React server components.
To see the data used for this project, take a look at the following endpoints:


Feedback and contributions are very much appreciated and always welcome!


Issues and Requests

If you find an issue while using the application or have a request, log the issue or request here. These will be addressed in a future code update.
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Posted Jul 18, 2024

A web app that was created specifically to help the average basketball fan quickly and effectively visualize and organize complex market data.






Fullstack Engineer


Tailwind CSS


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