Andy Christoforou - Personal Branding

Elena Perini

Brand Designer
Graphic Designer
Adobe Illustrator

Client: Andy Christoforou

Principles: Personal Branding, Graphic Design

Brief: Andy Christoforou requested a comprehensive personal branding project that includes several key deliverables. The project involves designing a personal logo using geometric shapes and line work, with a minimalistic, clean, and modern style. The scope also includes creating a wordmark of his initials or design for use as a watermark and favicon. Additionally, a one-page brand guideline is needed, outlining typography choices and color palette. The deliverables further extend to a video thumbnail template suitable for Udemy and YouTube, and a YouTube channel banner that aligns with the overall brand aesthetic.

Process: The design process for Andy Christoforou’s logo began with the creation of modular shapes using a geometric approach. Starting with a triangle, I developed a grid that formed the basis for the letters A and C, resulting in a parametric and geometric aesthetic. The design emphasizes minimalism, with a clean and modern style, incorporating negative space to add depth and visual interest.

The logotype, featuring the full name “Andy Christoforou,” uses the Neue Haas Grotesk Display typeface. This font was selected for its clean, modern, and versatile attributes, with the logotype rendered in all lowercase to complement the minimalist design of the logo. This cohesive design approach effectively supports Andy’s personal branding needs.

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