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Chelsea Egbule


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Google Docs

Everyone wants to have flawless skin.
A skin that is smooth and clear…
As smooth as a new born baby bump….
Glazed like a donought.
But it's hard.
Expecially if you have oily skin.
But tell me..
Are you struggling with constant acne, breakouts, excessive shine?
Do you have oily skin?
And is it giving you a hard time?
I get it.
Having oily skin can be so tiring and extremely bothersome.
For example,
When you'd suddenly wake up to a red bump.
Or even countless bumps on your face…
You know how frustrating and annoying that can be.
And the worst part is that the chances of this occurring increases for those with oily skin types.
Oily skin is the most problematic skin type.
But guess what.
If you have one,you don't have to stress or worry over it any longer.
What if I told you that you can get rid of all that excess shine, oilness and acne without having to pay for expensive spa treatments and hazardous facial procedures.
Heard of pomegranate? You probably have.
But are you aware of its benefits in skincare?
Pomegranate is known for its remarkable antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Its vibrant red grappy fruit is packed with an abundance of antioxidants notably vitamin C
And this helps reduce signs of aging and with its anti-inflammatory properties,helps shrink inflamed acne.
But you just can't get any promegranate or get the fruit and want to just squash it on your skin.
Without the right measurements.
Even the fact that homemade products don't have preservatives in them.
So bacteria would easily develop and lead to breakouts. I believe you're trying to avoid that.
I don't need to give you more reasons to see, doing that would be a terrible idea!
So don't go out there smashing and mixing stuff up to apply to your skin.
Also,do you know about salicylic acid?
If you don't,
Don't worry, this acid is a cool guy.
Is well known for getting rid of acne.
It's popularly recommended by dermatologist all over the world to people who have oily skin types.
It has be shown that salicylic acid is the preferred ingredient for treating blackheads and whiteheads because it unclogs pores.
Removing those chunks,dirts and sebum in your pores that gradually forms acne. This, thereby preventing acne and other skin conditions.
Imagine a product set that contains all these key ingredients proven to control and get rid of acne and every other skin issue related with having oily skin.
These key ingredients are what pure skin is formulated with.
The Pure skin is a skincare set that contains four products:
● A 2 in 1 facial scrub and mask ● A facial toner, ● A facial cream and ● A facial mask.
And let me tell you this.
Using Pure skin means all your skin worries are over.
And this isn't just me saying this.
Dr Gabriela Zuanazzi, a renowned skin therapist from Sweden.
Talks about how "It’s rewarding to work on combining the best ingredients to create performing formulations with amazing sensorial qualities"
One of the team of reputable scientists that worked together to formulate this magic potion…
Ready to be grasped by the hand, all you have to do is reach out.
Are you ready to begin your journey towards flawless skin with Pure Skin?
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Posted Sep 11, 2023






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