Rivela | Product Design

Ana Lucía Reina


Graphic Designer

Industrial Designer

Product Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop

Solving a global problem through product design 🌏.

In this project the objective was to find a global problem, and through a profound field research come up with a solution that could consequently save the world.
The area of study area is maternity, specifically breastfeeding, seeking to generate an improvement in this selected aspect 🤰🏽🥛💖.

Meet Rivela 💖

Rivela was born from the Spanish word “revelar” which means reveal. This supports our brand’s goal which is to inform, raise awareness, promote and improve the process of breastfeeding by revealing it’s importance as well as the purity and quality of the breast milk.
We seek to have an inclusive scope that embraces all women regardless of their eco-nomic level, since motherhood is a capacity that every woman has and our purpose is to enhance breast milk’s quality through an economic product within everyone’s reach.
Nowadays there is a current lack of standardization in all motherhood information. This lack and difference of information does not compromise something simple, but rather puts at risk the development of a human’s being life quality.

The steps that lead to the final solution 💖.

There where VERY important phases before coming up with Rivela:
🧗🏻‍♀ Problem definition.
🔍 Research: this phase was crucial for generating a complete and supported solution.
💥 Ideation.
📊 Validation.
🏔 Final solution.

Problem definition 🧗🏻‍♀️.

This was the problem around which the solution was developed.

Research insights 🔍.

After a long and exhaustive research phase, there where 6 key insights that where the focus for the ideating phase.

What Rivela promotes 💥

The hypothesis shown above is the path of solution that the product follows.

Brand's Moodboard 💖

This moodboard (collage) was made seeking to communicate the vibe that Rivela seeks to be.

The Brand Image 💖

Base form inspired by the sun and women’s breast.
In the center was placed the initial of the brand. It seeks to preserve the element through which the milk is secreted.
The colors of the brand and the variations of the symbols were inspired by the variety of tones between the female bodies.
The change of tones within each symbol seeks to represent the bust of the woman where each section has a characteristic tonality.

The solution ✨🤰🏽

1. The Rivela Testing Pad 💛 is a product that seeks to reveal and measure the presence of toxic substances in breast milk. It is a 100% friendly product that any mother can use from the comfort of their homes.
2. The Rivela App 📲 provides an informative space with relevant motherhood information as well as a complement of the Rivela Testing Pads where the user can find more about the testing scale levels, tips and recommendations to improve and achieve the healthiest level of purity in the milk.


How the Rivela Testing Pads work ✨

Step by step image to explain the process of the product use.

Rivela App 📲

Image of the home page of the app.

The Outcome 💫

Rivela is an integrative solution that makes possible the preservation of breastfeeding’s funtamental elements and at the same time seeks to reduce the present contaminants in breast milk. Rivela is a proposal that will generate a huge change, not only in pregnant women but also in the lives of children in generations to come. The impact would not only inform and raise awareness, but will also prevent and reveal the state of breast milk to act in favor of a more beneficial food for the newborn.
RESEARCH & PROCESS | (Book only in Spanish version)
Watch on YouTube
✨Ready to work together? Contact me here
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Posted Mar 9, 2021






Ana Lucía Reina


Graphic Designer

Industrial Designer

Product Designer

Adobe Illustrator

Adobe InDesign

Adobe Photoshop

Ana Lucía Reina

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