Eray - Web Blog -

Eray Aydemir

Mobile Engineer
Software Engineer
Web Developer
Tailwind CSS

Overview 🔎

A simple web blog which can allow to create, read, update and delete blogs. It is responsive and cross platform.
Light theme of blog post page
Light theme of blog post page
Problem & Solution 🤝
I need to create a website to note and share my knowledge. So, I created this for me.
Goals/Requirements: • It should allow me post my blogs. • It must have SSL certificate. • It have to contains my informations.

Process 🛣

I had to keep requirements minimum. So, I started to code backend in Go Programming Language. It just cost me 30 mb space and 5 mb memory.
Then, I had to use a modern and easy to use javascript framework to serve my UI. So, I decided to use Svelte. Also, helped me to keep my requirements low. It builded as static and I did not need to run nodejs in the server. I have put them into NGINX’ html folder and ran it.
In the end, I tested 2 linux distros for server. One of them was Ubuntu and other was Debian. Ubuntu was using like 250 mb ram but Debian is using less than 100 mb to run.
My computer is a mac. So, I needed to dockerize my project to test it and deploy it easily.

Results 🎁

In the end of the journey, now, I have a website to show people what I am capable of.
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