Relancer Marketplace Web app

Una Bassila


User Researcher

UX Designer

Product Designer


I led the UX and UI Design practice at Relancer.
Relancer came to me with a task to completely redesign their web platform which was the initial project in our long-term partnership.
I worked closely with Relancer’s CEO and Product owner to transform the application and elevate the experience for the users through a thoughtful and iterative design process.

Fee Proposal Feature

Fee proposal was one of the brand new features that I designed for Relancer.
Prior to this, Relancer users had to rely on third party tools and clunky processes to be able to submit fee proposal documents and update them during the project bidding process.
Our solution to address this pain point was to create a fee proposal tool that would seamlessly integrate in the workflow of recruiters who used Relancer to bid for projects.
Complexity of this feature meant that we conducted a substantial amount of preliminary user research through interviewing some of our platform’s power users.
We ran several round of user testing to identify flaws in the designs and adjust the flow to ensure it was as user-friendly as possible.

New chat feature

One of the core issues was not having an ability to keep communications between recruiters, their potential clients and Relancer Customer Success Advisors internal.
A lot of important information could get totally lost in the process and not communicated where transparency and alignment between all 3 parties is essential.
As a result, we designed a chat feature that would allow to keep all core communications “in-house”. Recruiters could manage their bidding process and negotiations all in just one place.
Chat has become the core way for Relancer users to communicate.

Recruiter profile

Project dashboard

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Posted Jan 5, 2024

I partnered with Relancer to lead their first re-design of the platform and brand, established a design system and user-centric design practices.








User Researcher

UX Designer

Product Designer


Una Bassila

Product Designer WEB3 | Mobile | Web

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