Lessons In Love

Jessica Tok


Video Editor


Ableton Live

Adobe Premiere Pro

A collection of lessons from the love of my life following his battle with cancer.

Mike left me with a tremendous gift, that I would love to share a little part of with you all today. Most nights before bed Mike would make sure to voice record his experiences of the day. At the time we thought it was a beautiful thing we would sit down and reflect on together one day. Now I am so incredibly grateful to have the comfort of hearing his voice and beautiful lessons whenever I need.
I can’t do justice to describe the impact of this journey on Mike and the lessons he learned, so I thought the best way was for him to tell you himself. Mike’s lessons have shaped who I am going to be for the rest of my life, and I hope with this everyone here can leave tonight with a little bit of Mike, finding happiness and blessings in each day and loving as wholly as you can.
Please view my work on my portfolio: https://www.jessicatok.com/
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Posted Jan 22, 2023

A collection of lessons from the love of my life following his battle with cancer.






Video Editor


Ableton Live

Adobe Premiere Pro

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Stars In The Sky - The Michael Tok Foundation
Film Photographer
Film Photographer