It's not content marketing if it's just mimicking competitors

Manaswini Rao


Content Writer

SEO Content Manager

Copy Strategist

Learn how I approach content, or skip straight to the samples

Been there, done that, got the T-shirt, and it doesn't fit

So, you're in the exciting world of inbound marketing, and the pressure to generate leads is crippling.
You see a competitor doing a little victory tango on the top 3 positions of SERPs, and you think, "Hey, let's do those moves too!"
Spoiler alert: it's usually more like a stumble than a tango. I'm sure you're no stranger to the dark arts of imitation.
We invest all those hours on stealing their best keywords, planning content calendars, hiring an army of in-house and freelance writers, and even beating competitors to the coveted 1-3 positions and after waiting 3-12 months patiently, that high-traffic piece does nothing for your marketing pipeline. Nicths. Nihil. Nada.
I know – it's like you just high-fived a cactus, really really hurts.
In a highly commoditized SaaS digital landscape, how can you be sure your competitors have met the messiah and have the answers, and all you need to do is follow them?
Maybe, they're churning out content like a broken vending machine, each piece a near-carbon copy of the last? Perhaps they hugged another cactus thinking it was their true saviour?

Blending in doesn't get you noticed, spolights are on unique voices and perspectives.

Deep down, you know there's a better way. A way that transcends the tired tactics of keyword stuffing and blatant feature-selling.

Think conversations customers want to continue, not cold form-fills

Ditch the product pitches disguised as blog posts. Instead, focus on creating content that empowers your audience.
ToFu content isn't about a quick definition and a hasty exit with a sour "I AM THE BEST, PICK ME, PICK ME!," leaving your audience high and dry, wondering what just happened. Nobody likes a content tease.
Don't just dump them in the deep end with a "how-to" guide on every feature your product boasts. Approach it more like a Netflix series pilot – a tantalizing glimpse that promises there's more substance to come.

Search engines are tired of the same old tune, and users are yawning at recycled content. But when your content isn't just a clone, when it's an original masterpiece, people sit up and take notice.

They share, they nod in agreement, and they might even be curious enough to spend more time on your site, and fill out a form somewhere to "get in touch to learn more".
That's the dream, isn't it?

Originality: the secret sauce that separates the bland from the brilliant

Crafting a content strategy is a marathon, not a sprint. The goal isn't to churn out content for the sake of quantity but to create a cohesive journey that nurtures leads and ultimately fosters conversions.
Your product isn't a knock-off; it's the unique solution to a genuine problem. It's not about shouting the loudest; it's about having something worth hearing.
Search engines, in all their algorithmic wisdom, reward original content that users spend time reading and engaging with.
Events, remember?
Search engines consider metrics like average time on page, and events (clicks, pages per session, form fills, comments) for ranks, way more than how many times you force-fit target, related, people also ask, and long tail keywords.
Side (or center?) note: Keyword density is deader than your dearest childhood pet.
Love it or hate it, that's SEO today. And we're thankful for that.
There, I said it.
The mission that has always guided search engines is to help users find the most helpful and valuable content easily.
We marketers sometimes have the tendency to get lost in the sea of ranks, content production, search intent, CTRs, number of keywords, traffic, backlinks, and UGHHH WHY ARE THERE NO CONVERSIONS?
But hey, your ICP cares about solutions and ideas, not SEO tactics.
Show them how your product is the Gandalf to their Frodo, the Watson to their Sherlock. Help them not just understand the industry, but navigate it like a seasoned pro.
Then, measure, update, optimize, repeat. If you're doing it right, you won't have to too much of "content refreshing," only conversion optimization. :)
The ranks will follow, and so will traffic and conversions.

So, Sherlock, you seem to have found the lead who'll take you straight to the conversion land.

Well okay, I'm ready, let's talk.
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Posted Mar 7, 2024

I've been writing for eight long years - in niches old and new, for domains big and tiny, in formats long and micro - and here's what I've learned.






Content Writer

SEO Content Manager

Copy Strategist

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