Get: Health-conscious consumers between 30-50 years old
To: choose Nestea as their premium ready-to-drink beverage of choice
By: introducing NESTEA's new range of all-natural, real-brewed teas, and how they are made with up to only five ingredients (water, sugar, tea, rooibos, and citric acid)
Consumers are overwhelmed by the vast selection of healthy beverages, leading to stress and hindering healthy choices.
Decision fatigue is a real phenomenon exacerbated by our fast-paced lives. Reducing unnecessary decisions can improve overall well-being.
Nestea's "BLESS LESS STRESS" campaign offers a simple and healthy beverage choice, promoting the concept of prioritizing physical and mental well-being.
Project realized under the supervision of Joy Li De Meulemeester during the ART DIRECTION course delivered by ELVTR in 2023.
As a result of the project, I have received a certificate, accessible through this link.