Manifest Financial 250 word blog

Leo Zambrano

Google Drive
This blog was written for Manifest Financial which is a company offering protection insurance for mortgages. Leo Zambrano was the copywriter in charge of crafting this blog as a to write about the company's brand approach to navigating the Covid-19 pandemic and their client relations.

The Spark ✨

Manifest financial requested Leo Zambrano's services after seeing a high number of good reviews about the quality of his work and so they wanted a blog written that can give give assurance to their clients they will be there for them during the quarantine.

The Stats 💯

Timeline: 1 day Budget: 100 Deliverables: A 250 word blog on the reason why Manifest Financial will continue to provide their services during the pandemic.

This is one of the rare occasions that my delivery needed no revisions because the sellers did an amazing job and got the order right on the first try!! I strongly recommend this seller's gig to everyone!!! Thanks you very much!! 🚀

Timothy Oliver CEO of Manifest Financial


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