Document Management for Quality Department

Ignasi Ibañez

Automation Engineer
Embedded Systems Developer
Software Engineer
In this project I created a Sharepoint site, Power Apps aplication and Power BI report to have a full control of the documentation of a quality department.
In this project I created Sharepoint library with custom columns for the client to have full control of the filtering of documentation and also to be able to exploit all the classified information through a BI report.
The document list also has visual queues to see easily which documents are out of date.
Finally, there is an avaliable button that changes functionality depening on the State of the document. The avaliable actions for a document can be "Publish", "Create new version", "Ask for an approval", etc.
For approvals and publications I created to control lists to audit trail each user interaction.
The project includes a version history for each created document that includes all the published versions of its lifetime.
Finally, I could exploit all this organized and gathered data I into a Power BI report.
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