If you think paying with your American Express has you covered, you may be disappointed. Most credit card coverage is minimal and highly restrictive, limiting your reasons for cancellation to death, illness, or injury or forcing you to have paid for everything with that particular card. Many companies also cap the amount you can claim per year, which, depending on how much your trip cost, could easily be used up in one go. And while your credit card may offer concierge services to help you find you a doctor in case of emergency, it generally won’t pay for or reimburse any medical expenses.
So now that we’ve convinced you that you need travel insurance, you may wonder if it’s ever not worth it. Well, if you’re just taking a short hop from NYC to West Palm Beach on a $99 ticket and you’re staying for free with a college buddy, it’s probably not worth buying insurance. But if you spent a significant amount of money that you wouldn’t feel comfortable losing, travel insurance can be your best friend.