Introduced Swimmers to Reflective Pool Training

Caryn Lipkowitz


Copy Editor

Blog Writer


Microsoft Word

Make the Most out of Pool Time this Summer

Raise your hand if you’re excited about Summer! We’re all looking forward to warm weather, outdoor gatherings, and barbeques. Do you know what else Summer’s good for? Working on your swimming stroke!
SwimMirror is a polished aluminum surface you lay on the bottom of your pool. It instantly turns your private pool into a productive training circuit to harness your swimming speed!

Champions Don’t Take Days Off

If you want to learn how to swim faster by Fall, get that competitive edge with reflection training in the comfort of your own backyard. SwimMirror is not just for team practices in Olympic pools; it works just as well in your family pool.
Independent practice doesn’t have to be boring just because you’re not swimming with your team. Use the time to focus on your technique. Whether you need to work on your pull or the rotation of your upper body, you can get maximum results using SwimMirror solo.

Add to Your Arsenal

Swimming faster is the goal of any competitive swimmer. You’ve probably heard your coach yell something similar at one point as you and your team train. However, it can be incredibly frustrating when you feel like you’re doing exactly as your coach says, only to be criticized on body position again and again.
Instead of being reminded repeatedly to keep your elbow high or your hips rotating, you can utilize SwimMirror to get ahead of your training and impress your coach with the results of your hard work!

No Heavy Lifting Required

Each SwimMirror weighs in at only 3 pounds, making installation and removal a breeze. Quickly set up multiple panels of our high-strength anodized aluminum to create a competitive training retreat at home. Maintenance is as easy as washing a window. All you have to do to keep your SwimMirrors in good condition is remove them from the water, rinse, and air dry them after each use.

Pool Toys are Cool, But…

Blow-up donuts, unicorns, and pool noodles are fun, but what you choose to buy this Summer will color the next few months of your pool time. Do you want to lay in the sun and let your competition get ahead of you? Or do you want to leave them in your wake?
The instant feedback SwimMirror provides will have you shaving precious seconds off your best time as you train your body to swim faster.
Swimming class for children

The Perfect Tool for All Skill Levels

The best thing about SwimMirror is how useful it is to swimmers of all skill levels. When you’re fresh to the water, it can be frustrating trying to understand what you’re doing wrong when you can’t see what you’re doing and have a coach correcting you constantly. On the flip side, if you’re experienced and swimming faster is your objective, the ability to study your swimming technique and reduce unnecessary drag is just as invaluable.
So, if you plan on using your pool this Summer, why not take advantage of the opportunity it provides? Be the best you can be with the most effective swim training equipment designed to improve swimming speed. Remember, winners are made when everyone else is slacking!
To learn more about SwimMirror or to order your very own sheets, visit our website or call us at (800) 432-3423.
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Posted Jul 12, 2023

Raise your hand if you’re excited about summer! We’re all looking forward to warm weather, outdoor gatherings, and barbeques.








Copy Editor

Blog Writer


Microsoft Word

Caryn Lipkowitz

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