Dark Side Vs Light Side

Janai Nicholas

Highlight Of Project.

In Star Wars, the Light and Dark Sides are the most talked about aspects of the galaxy. This project looked at the pros and cons of each side of the Force and pitted them against one another. In the end, a magnificent thought provoking article was written about the concepts of good and evil. Not only in the Star Wars world, but in our own.

Who Was The Client?

This article was written for an exceptional media company, Corn Press Company Limited. They provide as broad array of articles based on a variety of topics. They specifically provide a significant amount of articles based on Star Wars, Marvel Movies and other types of entertainment.

What Was The Project About?

In this article, I was asked to write about the Light and Dark Sides of the Force. Generally, in Star Wars the Dark Side is seen as lawless and indicative of evil. Alternatively, the Light Side has been deemed pure and representative of all that is good. To begin with, research had to be done into both sides of the Force. From there, both sides were compared to determine which is arguably better. This article naturally led to a conversation into the concepts of good and evil, which added a deeper aspect to the article.

Final Thoughts On Project

All in all, I had immense joy doing research into both sides of the Force, as well as the notion of good and evil. To top it all off, working with the team at Corn Press Company Limited was an absolute pleasure as always!

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Posted Apr 1, 2023

This project looked at the pros and cons of each side of the Force and pitted them against one another.

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