TxE Summit

Philip Chukwuma

Brand Designer
Brand Strategist
Adobe Illustrator
Adobe Photoshop

Overview 🔎

A unique brand that emerges in the minds of relevant stakeholders through consistent brand management by companies offering technological products and/or services and generating a major portion of their revenue with their own key technologies, so the company also has a large brand output

Problem & Solution 🤝

•Created and managed computer-generated image design projects to minimize cost and meet product • Optimized layouts by determining sizing and arrangement of each component • Supported company branding efforts with logos, stationary and cohesive social media imagery and graphics.

Process 🛣

After extensive research, I came to the conclusion of this project. I can see that it accurately conveys the process of building a high-quality brand.

Results 🎁

Finalizing this project is what I have been looking forward to - putting up a brand that will help communicate the message to its clients. I consider this brand a huge communication tool for the company.

it's nice, I love the color combination. Well done 🗣

Name Gift Ukoh

Takeaways 📣

I learnt that as a designer you have to understand the full potential of the project you are jumping into.


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