Offline Data App with Firebase Backup!

The Digital Pro


Low-Code/No-Code Developer


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This video presents a tutorial on creating a note-taking application using FlutterFlow, focusing on implementing persistent storage using custom data types. This allows data to be stored on the device without requiring user authentication. The tutorial includes a step-by-step guide to build two BuildShip workflows, enabling offline data storage and retrieval. The app allows users to make changes offline and sync them when needed. Key concepts covered in the video include:
Utilisation of Custom Data Types.
Creation of custom functions for shaping JSON data for use with BuildShip.
Development of logical BuildShip Workflows.
Setting up and using Firebase within BuildShip.
The video is designed to be a comprehensive resource for learning about FlutterFlow and integrating it with BuildShip workflows, showcasing various techniques relevant to these platforms.
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Posted Jan 18, 2024

The video is a tutorial on creating a FlutterFlow note-taking app with offline data storage and sync capabilities using BuildShip workflows.






Low-Code/No-Code Developer


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