+37% and +56% conversion rate through a/b testing

Francesco Piccirilli


Digital Marketer

UX Researcher

Lead Generator

Google Analytics

Google Tag Manager


1) Demo page A/B test

I ran several tests and version of the demo page to increase the conversion rate. Here is what I tested:
·      Review Messagging
·      Added Images of the platform
·      Added Video of the platform
·      Added Testimonials
·      Explained benefits of the product
·      Explained what will happen once they book a demo.
·      Added Testimonials
·      Added Customer care pictures
First Version
First Version
Last version
Last version


Increased conversion rate (from first version to last version) by 37%

2) Container search a/b test


By replacing the two CTAs “Container trading” and “Container Leasing” (that lead to a page with a relative search bar) with a combined search bar for trading and leasing together, we can make it easier and motivate more users to search for containers and consequently increase business sales.
Version A
Version A
Version B
Version B


After 4 weeks of test and a Statistical significante of 95%, Version B showed an increase in Container search by 49% and a decrease of homepage bounce rate by 5%
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Posted Mar 3, 2023

How I increased the Conversion Rate through a/b testing






Digital Marketer

UX Researcher

Lead Generator

Google Analytics

Google Tag Manager


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