This Java program will be made for a fake ATM system. This ATM will be allowed to look at checking, savings, and CD accounts. You can also make deposits and withdraw. The program is for program exercises based on Data Structure/algorithm and can be used for other technology and software. (if needed for a similar project). This is just practice with also of rule of creating this ATM banking.
You can withdraw and deposit anytime on a checking account. Saving account you can (we explain after). CD account, you can make withdrawals and deposits but you have to wait until your maturity date is passed or on that day to make any withdrawals or deposits. Then when you make a withdrawal or deposit you have to change your date. If you add 6, 12, or 18 months to the day you made any withdrawal or deposit make another withdrawal or deposit.
If you want to write a check or send a check, the check can not be 6 months old or it will be check will bounce has to pay a fee.
If your account has a sufficient amount, a fee will be taken out of the account when withdrawing or depositing.