Physical-Digital Feature

Chris Wallace


UX Designer


UI Designer


The need

Add a new type of product to Candy's marketplace that introduces paired physical-digital products with future plans to allow sales of those collectibles with or without the physical collectible.

The issues

No shipping address in the current checkout process (it was all digital delivery)
How will users know a product includes a paired physical collectible?
Future state: How will buyers on secondary markets identify collectibles where the physical was claimed by a previous owner?

The solution(s)

To address these concerns, I first designed two icons representing a Physical-Digital product type. The first was an icon where the physical edition is still claimable by a future owner of the digital edition. The second was an icon where that physical has already been claimed. These icons were added as badges to our Drop pages. I also proposed adding text to the product imagery to identify a product with digital/physical available and one with just the digital. Because it's a new type of product, I wanted to ensure users fully understood what they are purchasing. And to further drive the point home, I added a banner to the Edition Details pages that explicitly tells you when the edition's physical collectible has been claimed.
I wireframed multiple checkout flows that allowed users to purchase the product from a primary sale, claim the physical version of the product later, and finally a unified flow where users would claim the physical at checkout, as this would be our first iteration to avoid over-engineering solutions during our beta testing. I collaborated with product management to design and adjust these flows and ensure they encapsulated both technical and partnership requirements.
From there, I finalized the prototype, shared it with the engineering team and handed it off to our front-end engineer to begin implementing the changes.
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Designing a feature for a new product type within an existing checkout process.






Candy Digital


UX Designer


UI Designer


Chris Wallace

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