Harsh Vardhan Singh


Content Writer

Creative Writer

Blog Writer


Microsoft Word

The world has changed significantly in just few years , we are actually living in the age of internet where we can connect to any one and everyone , and there are people building business that are worth millions of dollars from the internet and kids of today who are 13 years or someone 15 years are actually earning money using internet platforms. We have to understand , the career in the future will not be made by a degree but by an education of internet platforms , the more the kid will be aware and educated about these platforms , the more are the chances for him to make a career out of it. The kids need to be educated about internet platforms and how these platforms actually are changing the world.
The future career will be based on — :
Digital marketing
Digital marketing is a billion dollar industry and it is the most fast growing industry in the world. If the kid has a little experience of how to create a reach of a product using any particular internet platform , then he has already cracked the bonus. It will be the most growing industry after A.I. because of its vast demand and the necessity of it. The thing is we are actually living in the consumer’s age , and if one has the skill to sell any products through his selected platform in which he has an experience in then he will never be short of money and work.
Internet influencer
The next celebrities of the future will be internet celebrities , and they will shape the future of the kids. You see we are living in the age of content creation , and we have been completely addicted to it , and nobody can deny how much we want to consume it more and more. The thing about being an influencer is first you have to build an audience and once the audience is built then you can sell anything to your audience and they will buy it , or maybe can promote others brand or maybe you can create your own brand.
And the plus point is you can do it just by following your passion and talent which needs to be seen.
Yes this new A.I. technology which has already stunned the world by it’s potential will not just destroy other people’s job in fact it will create the new ones , yes just like calculator when came to the market thought to replace many jobs but what happened , we mastered it and now we are using it for our own benefits , same will be the case with chat gpt , the kids has to understand it’s working process , the education of chat gpt or many A.I. technologies which are entering the market has to presented to children so they can know how to use it for their own benefits. Chatgpt will destroy the jobs for those who don’t know how to use this magnificent A.I. technology.
The thing is the world is not the same anymore it is changing at a frequent pace day by day , for the children of today rather than scrolling and consuming unnecessary content should be educated about these internet platforms , cause if they don’t , they will not be a part of the future. The new advancement in the education system will come when the schools will focus on educating children about A.I. , Social media , digital marketing , this will be the ideal education system to me and the country who will promote this type of education will be the new world power.
By Harsh Vardhan
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Posted May 27, 2023

The world has changed significantly in just few years , we are actually living in the age of internet where we can connect to any one and everyone , and there …






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Microsoft Word

Harsh Vardhan Singh

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