End To End Powerful Document Q&A Chatbot using Llama3, Langchain


Data Scientist
ML Engineer

End To End Powerful Document Q&A Chatbot using Llama3, Langchain, and Groq API


This project aims to create a powerful Document Q&A Chatbot utilizing the capabilities of Llama3, Langchain, and the Groq API. The chatbot is designed to efficiently parse and comprehend documents, providing precise answers to user queries.


Llama3 Integration: Leveraging Llama3 for natural language processing and understanding.

Langchain: Utilizing Langchain for managing chains of LLMs, APIs, and custom actions.

Groq API: Integrating with the Groq API to accelerate and optimize machine learning model inference.

End-to-End Pipeline: A complete pipeline from document ingestion to question answering.


Document Ingestion: Documents are uploaded and preprocessed for efficient querying.

Question Understanding: The chatbot uses Llama3 to comprehend and break down the user query.

Answer Retrieval: Langchain orchestrates the flow between components, ensuring accurate answers.

Optimized Inference: The Groq API enhances the performance of the underlying models, delivering quick responses.



Python 3.8+


Groq API credentials

Clone the Repository

git clone https://github.com/TLILIFIRAS/Document-Q-A-Chatbot-using-Llama3-Langchain-and-Groq-API.git cd Document-Q-A-Chatbot-using-Llama3-Langchain-and-Groq-API

Install Dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Set Up Environment Variables

Create a .env file in the root directory with your Groq API and OpenAI API credentials:

GROQ_API_KEY=your_api_key_here OPENAI_API_KEY=your_llama3_api_key_here

Run the Application

python application.py


Place your Documents: Place your documents in the input folder .

Ask Questions: Type your question in the chat interface.

Receive Answers: The chatbot will process your query and return the most relevant answer from the document.

Example :

**User:** What are the main benefits of using Llama3? **Chatbot:** Llama3 offers advanced natural language processing capabilities, enabling high accuracy in text comprehension and generation. It is also highly scalable for various NLP tasks.

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