Grocery Direct Mobile App

Kevin Wang


eCommerce Manager

Web Developer

Video Editor

React Native

Grocery Direct Mobile App


Built with React Native, MongoDB, Express, Mobx-State-Tree, React-Native-Design-Utility, Expo, React-Navigation


User Stories

Create a Splash Screen and add Animation to it.
User can Log in using oAuth
Create a JWT (JSON Web Token) to create an encryption signature to store private data
Use MongoDB Atlas for handling data for the Customer as well as Addresses.
AsyncStorage is used to store the JWT into the user device's cache to skip sign-in process for returning users
Google Autocomplete functionality using Google Places API to input user provided address data.
Use of MobX to manage the state of the application using a global store and local state management
Use of MobX to observe changes to state
Use lodash to 'get' functions for common programming tasks using a functional programming paradigm
Use MobX-State-Tree to manage the state of the application as middleware
Use MobX-State-Tree to leverage MVC paradigm
Use Animations for deleting items from the shopping cart screen.
Create basic log out functionality
Allow updating of shopping cart item quantity from the grocery list and shopping cart
Update price of shopping cart order based on item cost and quantity allocated to the cart in real time (not depicted in walkthrough) ...incoming
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Posted Feb 4, 2025

I developed a cross-platform mobile e-commerce grocery shopping application using React Native, ensuring seamless functionality on both Android and iOS devices.






eCommerce Manager

Web Developer

Video Editor

React Native

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