Toddi Craft Cocktails

Madeline Cedillo

Photo Editor
Adobe Lightroom
Adobe Photoshop

A budding startup based in Grandbury, TX, the company was founded by two sisters with a mission to create high-quality seltzer products. They are dedicated to using only the purest spirits and freshest, locally sourced ingredients.

The inspiration for their brand's story was derived from their Aunt Toddi, whose fierce heart and sparkling wit made every hour a happy one.

The Challenge Entrusted with the responsibility of curating a captivating visual style and direction for the brand's photography, my mission entailed meticulous attention to detail.
Once the visionary concept took shape, my purpose shifted towards the gathering of objects used to style the scenes. My task was to not only embody the essence of Toddi Craft Cocktails but also resonate with its brands core values of authenticity and remarkable experiences.
The Solution The composition of the photos, which were carefully curated to represent the brand’s story of authentic and family-centered beginnings, is just one aspect of the Toddi Craft Cocktails story. In addition to these carefully crafted images, other scenes were created to showcase the many ways in which Toddi Craft Cocktails can be enjoyed in various environments.
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