I personally attached a histogram matching element to the code to see how well I could reintroduce some of the content-images color elements back into the images. However, the histogram matching seemed to have mixed results. When applying histogram matching
after having processed a new stylized-content-image the histogram-matched image tended to mostly lighten-up the images. Only when the stylized-image and the original content-image shared similar color palettes did the histogram-matching element seem to work well. If you want a particular resulting image it would probably be best to use the optimization approach rather than the feed-forward approach by applying the histogram-matching element prior to processing the images. You may also be able to try luminance matching as discussed in
Preserving Color in Neural Artistic Style Transfer. The ultimate draw of the feed forward method is its how well it generalizes to all sorts of images as well as how quick it processes images (capable of even real-time processing).