Country Everywhere Web App

Jeremy Leroux


Database Engineer

Low-Code/No-Code Developer

Webflow Developer




A directory and community hub for the underrepresented (BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and Disabled) Folks in Country Music. With curated news, events, and resources.
Design: by Breeona Nechole

The Problem

The Country Music Industry has a long history of excluding BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ and Disabled voices. The genre however has fans from all of these communities that do not see themselves represented in "mainstream" and the fans at large are eager to hear all new voices. But how can they be discovered if they are not being included and information about them is scattered in small bits across the internet. Representation and visbility matter and are the first steps to making a more equitable industry where all kinds of voices can succeed.

The Solution

A unique website and webapp with a filterable directory of profile listings for BIPOC, LGBTQIA+ and Disabled Country Music Industry folks. The only one of its kind.
Directory List
Directory List
Industry Public Profile
Industry Public Profile
Profile - Account Info
Profile - Account Info
Curated News sourced from feedly and imported using Airtable syncing with Xano and Webflow.
News Listings
News Listings
Community sourced resources
Country Everywhere New Release Spotify Playlist and new release listings
Event listings from Bandsintown API
With these tools Industry folks in country music can set up a robust profile highlighting music with video and audio embeds, add upcoming events and news from any online source.
Fans can discover new artists and save them to their favorites. They can stay up to date with events and news that they are interested in about artists that may not be making the headlines.
Overall increasing awareness of the talented folk who have been excluded and underrepresented in a genre they have always been a part of.
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Posted Sep 27, 2024

Directory, News, Events and Resources for BIPOC, LGBTQ+ and Disabled folks in Country Music






Database Engineer

Low-Code/No-Code Developer

Webflow Developer




Sarah Hedar Editor - Design and Webflow Development
Sarah Hedar Editor - Design and Webflow Development - Custom Webflow Development - Custom Webflow Development